11 February, 2011

Brush up on your Beatles trivia: 2 quizzes

So you think you're an expert on Beatles trivia?  Each quiz is worth tenner, going to the first person to give the right answers to Bill (don't worry, you don't have to answer both if you don't want to).

I.  Identify the song linked to the phrases below, and then, taking the first letter from each title, rearrange them to for a critical word for Scousers.
  1. Paul's song about John's son
  2. A home in Tuscon, Arizona
  3. The Albert Hall features in this song
  4. The girl was a big teaser taking the boy half-way there
  5. How did she ever pay the rent?
  6. Introducing Billy Shears
  7. Dancing through the night with a 17 year old
  8. Marshmallow pies and marmalade skies
a. What is the hidden word? 
b. What is its significance?
Email your answers to Bill if you want to win £10!
II. The following anagrams are portions of lines from Beatles songs.  The combination of the first letters of each unscrambled line forms something that is relevant to the Beatles.  The first correct answer emailed to Bill wins £10 (or a date with Paul McCartney if you're lucky).
  1. Zenith vain he ash
  2. Mediate dot junk
  3. Heated nurse
  4. Arched even twin
These are the real Beatles, right?

 May the best Beatles-quizzers win!

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